My life is continually blessed by having the honor of co-creating with incredible people. These love letters from clients demonstrate better than I can the transformations experienced in our work together.
I am eternally grateful to each and every one!

“Where do I even begin? My partnership and work with Kristin has been life changing. “
“Looking back at the beginning of my journey, I am moved at the tremendous and obvious growth I have not only made personally but professionally as well. Kristin is a true breath of fresh air and is a consistent safe space to feel and process life’s inevitable challenges and celebrations. I believe an investment in yourself is always worth it, and working with Kristin is that and more. Her calm, level-headed approach, unconditional love and energy is contagious and I am so thankful I was called to work with Kristin.”
–Ashley Cox, Real Estate Advisor
“I was so lucky to be on the receiving end of Kristin’s gifts.”
“I came to her when I was feeling the overwhelm of life’s obligations and burdens. Kristin’s skillful coaching and intuitive card reading helped me realize very specific patterns of disarming influence and I was able to take actionable steps to reduce my burdens and change my life for the better. I highly recommend a reading with Kristin!”
– Amelia Vogler, Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist

“I was so lucky to be on the receiving end of Kristin’s gifts.”
“I came to her when I was feeling the overwhelm of life’s obligations and burdens. Kristin’s skillful coaching and intuitive card reading helped me realize very specific patterns of disarming influence and I was able to take actionable steps to reduce my burdens and change my life for the better. I highly recommend a reading with Kristin!”
– Amelia Vogler, Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist

“When working with Kristin, I always feel safe and supported in her energy and guidance. I am more of “me” than I have been in years and I’ve never felt more alive!”
“Where do I even begin?! Almost a year ago I was introduced to Kristin and her work and it has been transformational! I’ve always been interested in my own spirituality, but somewhere along my life journey I began to shut it out. As soon as I connected with Kristin, I immediately felt drawn to her and began to re-awaken the divine energy and life that was already within me. I am learning to love myself more and more everyday and most importantly, learning how to trust that miracles are always happening for me from our beautiful universe above and within.
Our journey together began with Reiki and Angel healing, but more recently we have been working consistently with her new technique, where we do energy shifts and balances for the subconscious mind. It’s been incredible to witness how quickly these balances are able to shift the subconscious beliefs. It allows me to disconnect from what no longer serves me, so that I can push forward with what I actually want in my life.
–Kristin Leff, Soul Empowerment Coach and HR Associate
“Kristin’s skill set and unique gifts blend beautifully to provide impactful results!”
“Over the years I’ve tried and done “all the things” to make a positive difference in my health and life. There were still some items in need of shift but I hadn’t found a way to access and transmute them…until Kristin came into my awareness! My work with Kristin has been profound and timely. She is a super gifted and compassionate healer and I recommend her without reservation.
-Phil Tavolacci, MSPT. Owner of Tavo Total Health, LLC, and Author, “What’s In Your Web- Stories of Fascial Freedom”

“Kristin’s skill set and unique gifts blend beautifully to provide impactful results!”
“Over the years I’ve tried and done “all the things” to make a positive difference in my health and life. There were still some items in need of shift but I hadn’t found a way to access and transmute them…until Kristin came into my awareness! My work with Kristin has been profound and timely. She is a super gifted and compassionate healer and I recommend her without reservation.
-Phil Tavolacci, MSPT. Owner of Tavo Total Health, LLC, and Author, “What’s In Your Web- Stories of Fascial Freedom”

“Everytime that LIFE gets CRAZY or feels heavy, Kristin is my beautiful pick me up!! “
“My life has been changed since working with Kristin. When I first contacted her I was having a lot of pain in my shoulders that would not resolve. At first, I was skeptical that distance reiki would be effective but, i was willing to try anything at this time in my life. Kristin energy is sooo incredible and pure. Not only did the pain diminish in my shoulders within 24 hours after months of pain but, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and heaviness lifted in my life. I have been blessed to work with Kristin for over a year now and experience her gifts. AS a business owner and ambitious female, she is the ultimate coach. I have had many coaches in my life who are all about the push and hustle mentality! Kristin has taught me how to live in flow and trust my intuition all of the time. She is the ultimate self care gift and my business has not been better since working with our walking earth angel!!”
– Alyssa Schomaker, Motivational speaker – Entrepreneur – Spiritual Life and Conscious Business Leader
“I am so grateful and blessed to have Kristin in my life!” Working with her has been absolutely amazing!”
“From a distance, Kristin is able to “feel and cleanse” my energy, picking up on issues arising in my life. We then process these shifts over the phone. Kristin is a loving, supportive and intuitive healer. She creates a safe and nurturing space to work and grow. Her healing gifts are many and I continue to be impressed by her empathy, warmth and knowledge.
I’m a traditionally trained psychiatrist who has been exploring spiritual modalities for years. I’ve worked with several healers. Kristin has her own unique style. She has truly helped me to take hold of and change my life! Kristin has also introduced me to a process called PSYCH-K® . Working with PSYCH-K® has been a freeing and empowering experience! It’s allowed me to release subconscious beliefs that have been self limiting, allowing for wonderful changes to occur. Since working with Kristen I feel more alive, empowered and free than I ever have before!!!
– Elizabeth Amiel, Psychiatrist

“Kristin is just the right dose of unicorn that we need in the world.”
“Whenever my life starts to feel heavy and hard…Kristin magically appears on my calendar and helps me shift back into ease, passion, creativity and flow…which then translates into upleveling my life/biz. Mannnnnnn if you’ve never experienced an energy + coaching session with her, it is so crazyyyyyyy good.
When you’re an ambitious girl with big goals you have to know when to ask for help. You need the best of the best on your team and Kristin is THE best at what she does. Every time I start to doubt myself, feel overwhelmed by God’s vision for me, wear myself down… Kristin is there to pick me back up. She’s the best money I’m spending on my self care and my business.”
– Andrea Conti Crowder, lifestyle coach and co-founder at misFIT REPublic, CEO at Spiritually Intimate / www.andreacrowderfitness.com, www.spirituallyintimate.com
“Kristin is a guardian angel. She appeared in my life when I needed her most.”
She taught me to be compassionate and inquire within for the answers that I had been looking out in the world for all my life. Her loving energy and attentive listening helps you see and notice the blind spots that you have been avoiding.
– Jacqueline Folacci, Restaurant Manager

“Kristin is a guardian angel. She appeared in my life when I needed her most.”
She taught me to be compassionate and inquire within for the answers that I had been looking out in the world for all my life. Her loving energy and attentive listening helps you see and notice the blind spots that you have been avoiding.
– Jacqueline Folacci, Restaurant Manager

“Kristin is a guardian angel. She appeared in my life when I needed her most.”
She taught me to be compassionate and inquire within for the answers that I had been looking out in the world for all my life. Her loving energy and attentive listening helps you see and notice the blind spots that you have been avoiding.
– Jacqueline Folacci, Restaurant Manager
“Working with Kristin left me feeling so calm, centered, and at ease.”
“Life can feel especially fast paced as an entrepreneur, and within minutes of receiving her long distance Reiki, I already felt more relaxed, anchored and peace-full. Kristin is a loving and gentle soul who has a true gift for helping people reconnect with themselves in a unique and magical way. I’m so blessed that I was able to receive her care and experience her amazing gift, and I definitely recommend that anyone who has the opportunity to do the same.”
– Jordana Jaffe, Business Coach for Women Entrepreneurs / www.embarkability.com

“Working with Kristin left me feeling so calm, centered, and at ease.”
“Life can feel especially fast paced as an entrepreneur, and within minutes of receiving her long distance Reiki, I already felt more relaxed, anchored and peace-full. Kristin is a loving and gentle soul who has a true gift for helping people reconnect with themselves in a unique and magical way. I’m so blessed that I was able to receive her care and experience her amazing gift, and I definitely recommend that anyone who has the opportunity to do the same.”
– Jordana Jaffe, Business Coach for Women Entrepreneurs / www.embarkability.com

“It starts from the inside…and then it shines to the outside
That is what working with Kristin taught me.”
“I have spent the past year working through some really hard things. Like postpartum depression and anxiety, feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness and overcoming a lot of pressure I had put on myself.
– Nikki Johnson, Fitness, Lifestyle Coach & Business Mentor. nikkihilljohnson.com
“Kristin’s energy is like nothing I have felt before — her spirit and intuition speaks to your soul.”
“Kristin is literally fantastic to work with. I HIGHLY recommend her. Time and time again, I’ve experienced transformations in my own life by working with Kristin. She is dedicated, available, and honest. Kristin genuinely wants you to tap into your power and greatness, and she is an amazing person to help guide you with her energy work. I can’t say enough about her. My life has changed since Kristin has become a part of it!”
– Karly Wood, 9 Star Diamond Beachbody Coach / www.karlywoodfitness.com

“Kristin’s energy is like nothing I have felt before — her spirit and intuition speaks to your soul.”
“Kristin is literally fantastic to work with. I HIGHLY recommend her. Time and time again, I’ve experienced transformations in my own life by working with Kristin. She is dedicated, available, and honest. Kristin genuinely wants you to tap into your power and greatness, and she is an amazing person to help guide you with her energy work. I can’t say enough about her. My life has changed since Kristin has become a part of it!”
– Karly Wood, 9 Star Diamond Beachbody Coach / www.karlywoodfitness.com

“Before working with Kristin I was really unsure of myself, I had no direction and I was pretty much in constant emotional turmoil because I didn’t have the emotional intelligence to make sense of things. “
“Working with Kristin helped to guide me out of the muck and woods to a place where I had the tools to deal emotionally with my stuff. She helped clear stuck energy that had been trapped there for a really long time. She helped me find greater meaning and direction and helped me get to a really great place. I love working with Kristin and always look forward to her guidance and wisdom.”
– Jenn Edwards Denver
“Working with Kristin is a privilege and it will bring you closer to your truest self, wholehearted living and undiscovered freedom.”
“Kristin‘s talents are honestly and truly beyond words… Her ability to connect with distant energy healing is beautiful, amazing and truly a gift from God. Her energy work is full of peace, strength and grace. Her intuition is full of clarity, truth and love and her coaching is full of beautiful grounding practices, peaceful meditations and tangible action. Kristin herself is pure embodiment of joy, light, love, and peace.”
– Amy Warner PT, Owner of Warner Physical Therapy, Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher and Strategic Intervention Life Coach

“Working with Kristin is a privilege and it will bring you closer to your truest self, wholehearted living and undiscovered freedom.”
“Kristin‘s talents are honestly and truly beyond words… Her ability to connect with distant energy healing is beautiful, amazing and truly a gift from God. Her energy work is full of peace, strength and grace. Her intuition is full of clarity, truth and love and her coaching is full of beautiful grounding practices, peaceful meditations and tangible action. Kristin herself is pure embodiment of joy, light, love, and peace.”
– Amy Warner PT, Owner of Warner Physical Therapy, Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher and Strategic Intervention Life Coach

“kristin’s Long Distance Reiki Session completely blew me away.”
“I had been questioning the efficacy of a session given to me across the country. However, I dived in fully, and the power of Kristin and the session was limitless. During the session, I experienced colors, energy shifts, and I even received messages about my life and people with whom I needed to connect. I also felt changes around my heart chakra. Within one day of the session, I experienced a full-blown Heart Opening. My heart has now begun speaking loudly and I am listening. I feel more alive, awake, and connected to my passions than ever before. I am LIVING from Love, allowing my heart to lead. There have been big shifts and changes in my life, both in relationships and career, and they are all so beautiful and Soul Aligned. Fear and lack are very rarely part of my consciousness anymore, if at all. I am fully embracing the Knowing that I AM LOVE. I am SO grateful to Kristin and have signed up for MANY more sessions. I recommend her to anyone who desires to lesson fear, lack, and doubt, anyone who wants to align with their Soul, Truth, and Heart and live and lead from there. She is a Master of the Heart.
Kristin is an Earth Angel. Her intuition and spiritual gifts are highly developed and she is able to tap into what I am saying underneath my words. Whenever I speak to her, I feel fully seen, heard, and understood. I feel inspired to love myself more fully and to take action steps towards an authentic life of my dreams. She walks the walk of upleveling her health and life, and inspires all of us to do the same. I recommend Kristin’s Coaching to ANYONE who desires to love their body and selves more fully. As well as to those who would like to connect with their Unique Life Purpose and Mission on the Planet. Be ready for TOTAL Life and Health TRANSFORMATION!”
– Cora Poage, NYC
“Kristin has such a calm and to the point presence.”
“She has a deep intuition around the root of what’s really going on and a straight forward but gentle way of letting you know. Her light and healing run deep and would leave me in a calm and energized state which I never quite thought was possible through distance healing. With Kristin’s guidance and support I was able to confront some serious blocks that I had been avoiding for years. And on top of all of it she has a laugh that could bring you out of any funk! ”
– Holly Chapman, Certified Holistic Health Coach, LMT, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Kristin has such a calm and to the point presence.”
“She has a deep intuition around the root of what’s really going on and a straight forward but gentle way of letting you know. Her light and healing run deep and would leave me in a calm and energized state which I never quite thought was possible through distance healing. With Kristin’s guidance and support I was able to confront some serious blocks that I had been avoiding for years. And on top of all of it she has a laugh that could bring you out of any funk! ”
– Holly Chapman, Certified Holistic Health Coach, LMT, Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Kristin is incredible!”
“Her healing work has changed my life and revealed a whole new world and way to heal that I hadn’t known about previously. She sees right through people and can tell how you are emotionally and physically feeling even if she is thousands of miles away and has not talked to you. She connects directly to the heart of another person and her healing work shifts the energy in your life so things are transformed from the inside. The combination of coaching and Reiki healing is extremely powerful. Everyone should work with Kristin, you will definitely bring more joy, happiness and fulfillment into your life. It is worth the investment and you will never regret it. Thank you Kristin! You are an Angel for sure!!” – Sara
“I had my first Reiki session with Kristin and wasn’t sure what to expect.”
“I was a bit apprehensive but fully relaxed and allowed the energy to flow. Ultimately I understood that it was my ability to be open to the experience and fully trust Kristin and the healing power of Reiki. The session lasted for about 40 minutes and I spent most of this time in a fully meditative state. My mind was peaceful, my body at rest and I felt Kristin’s radiant energy for the entire session. After the session ended, I continued in a dream-like state for several hours; I felt renewed and re-energized and my mind was focused and still. It was as if I had just awoken from the deepest and most invigorating sleep. I am continuing to work with Kristin and she is truly a gift. It’s so wonderful to feel her energy, I feel blessed to have met her and allowed myself to experience what Reiki has to offer. Thank you, Kristin!” – Delia T., NYC

“Kristin helped me align with my truest passions.”
“Kristin has changed my life in so many positive ways. I’ve been working with her for about a year and have seen so much transformation internally and externally and I now have so much more love for myself. Plus, she helps me stay grounded, tune into the energy flowing within me and has helped me align with my truest passions. I couldn’t have asked for a better energy coach and feel so lucky to have found her.”
– Katie Williams, Marketing Consultant and Travel Blogger
“Words cannot begin to express the gratitude and admiration I have for Kristin Haas and her influential impact on my life.”
“From the moment I first connected with Kristin I knew there was something special and profound about her. She has the genuine ability to listen with her heart and then impart her feelings from her soul to give any individual the true feeling of support. Kristin exudes her passion for her practice of helping individuals and I have never spoke with a life and spiritual coach who I connected with more. I would recommend Kristin Haas’s services to an individual seeking guidance through any life situation, for her abilities are profound and can bring the true gifts of light and peace. Kristin, thank for your guidance in my life and for sharing your gifts with the world!” – Kimberly DeLoreto
“I feel so blessed to have found Kristin!”
“She has helped me take strides forward in my lifetime “battle” with food and body image. She has helped me discover alternative approaches to how I had been eating. I have learned how to be more balanced and have been given helpful tools to use to sustain a better lifestyle for myself around food and eating healthy and having a healthy view of myself and of life. I have been reminded to let go of what does not serve me and to embrace what does! Thank you so much Kristin, you have been a blessing!” – Kathy, Darien – IL.
“Kristin is a very powerful and intuitive healer.”
“I didn’t know what to expect from a distance Reiki session especially since I live quite a distance from her… outside of the US. Each session is different, but I feel physical sensation, often see colors, feel meditative at times and afterwards I always feel more at ease and happy. Many times I come out feeling lighter, brighter and energized. The sessions help me feel more balanced, whole and secure in myself. It can be a very transformational experience. Kristin also provides insight on what she felt and sensed during the session, which helps to further your understanding of how to meet your needs at that time. I highly recommend her incredible skills and talent!” – Jolie, NGO Worker, Haiti
“I had no idea what to expect with long distance Reiki, but was open to experimenting.”
“I had an inkling that stuck energy was behind an issue that was presenting very physically and was committed to resolving this ongoing problem. With Kristin’s gentle guidance I felt very confident opening up to her therapeutic abilities and was amazed at both the subtleties and power of long distance Reiki. Her “findings” and feedback was spot on to my own experiences. I highly recommend Kristin’s work!” – Emily Geizer, Holistic Health Coach